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Impacting the World Around You Requires Metamorphosis

Lasting impact requires personal transformation. When you sense something is not right and commit to making things better you are ripe for a metamorphosis that will bring the change people long for.

6 states leading up to your personal transformation

Just as a caterpillar prepares itself for transformation into its new form, you will too. Becoming the leader others are waiting to follow requires transformation from caterpillar to butterfly.


Today, you are already a superior performer, but the results you want now seem unachievable. You might be asking yourself, how am I going to get to the next level? What am I missing? All you know at this point is you feel dissatisfied and are now feeling unsettled. You want more and know you are capable of more.


You run hard. Relentless. Reliable tactics that have proved successful in the past don’t produce the expected results. You find yourself in a recurring nightmare. You experience the same moments of getting close to your goal, but not achieving it. You are good, but not great. It is as author Marshall Goldsmith wrote in his book, “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There” has come to life. What will you do differently?


You want to see change come, but wait to see if it might come by itself. You are now in pain; conflicted. Could you possibly be the one cut out to do the work that you see needs done? You look to others with authority to make the change you believe is needed. They don’t. Your situation remains the same. Angst grows inside you. You wonder if you need to do something different — but what? A spark of desire builds inside — maybe you could do something to improve the situation.


Your eyes begin seeing the suffering of others. Why is this happening? You wonder if anyone is going to do something about it. You can hardly stand it and feel a new pressure on your chest. You experience anger and disappointment. Anger because the situation has gone on far too long and disappointment because perhaps you could have done something but didn’t know what. Sadly, doubt is the cloud the overshadows you as you wonder if you could be courageous enough to take on the challenge you see clearly before you now.

Challenge is the crucible for greatness. ~ Kouzes and Posner


You accept you cannot do what you feel compelled to do without help. You experience brokenness. You can’t do this in your own strength and commit to becoming the instrument of change you desire to see in the world regardless of the cost. This acceptance begins your transformation. During this time, you may revisit the values most important to you as author Darius Foroux explains in his recent article. In this state, you think less about yourself and feel compassion for others. You are committed to doing what it takes to make things better. You may even feel deep emotion and cry as you think about the plight of others and how you will help them. You are ready.


Entering into and emerging from the fire results in your purification. With the dross removed, and commitment to align your work to your core values, you have completed your transformation. All the legacy thinking, listening to experts, and unhelpful behaviors impeding your way removed. You accept that you are the type of person to bring the change you seek to see in the world. As Seth Godin says, you have picked yourself. Congratulations!

Last Thoughts

You can become the compassionate leader others are longing to follow. A signal you are on the cusp of making lasting change begins with a feeling of dissatisfaction you cannot ignore. Embrace your core values, be courageous, and see the future you imagine, come to life.

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