ShepherdingHeart LLC

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Leaving a Legacy Through Living Your Life Well


Early one Spring morning, not long ago and not far from here, God carefully planted a seed in the soil. Only He knew how special it was, and what it would become. What God planted that day would become a tree. Now this tree would be special because God blessed it with special powers that would allow it to withstand great storms. Its destiny would demonstrate God’s love towards those who lived nearby.

Where the seedling was planted was located in the middle of the land. It was a blessed place filled with nice things, lots of animals, streams, and pretty flowers. At times it seemed too hot and at other times it seemed too cold, but mostly it was just right.

To protect the seedling, God placed it in the care of two wise, sturdy trees. These trees were blessed with the job of watching over this one, so it could become the great tree destined to perform the special purpose for which God had created it. So then, under the protection of the two wise trees, it grew.


The tree was given the gift of joy and was happy living in the middle of the country and after a certain time found the ability to dig even deeper into the Earth and grabbed hold; bracing itself and receiving all God provided.

A few years later, another temperate and gentle tree grew up close to it and both offered each other comfort during the seasons. From a distance, the two trees looked like one tree.

God was gracious to the tree and proud of what it had become so He placed other younger trees close for him to protect. He remembered this is what God did for him when he was young and not so strong. While rarely did God speak to him, one day God gave him a special instruction. He told the tree in a strong, comforting voice to do one thing.


So there the tree stood and was happy for many years.


One Summer, a great flood came and washed over the land and took the special tree on a journey far away. It was in this place where it saw what else God had made. It was a foreign land containing things that were the same yet also very different. While the flood seemed bad at first, the tree was able to see how God created all things for a reason. He was just now realizing he also had a special purpose, but it was not there.

Because God loved this tree, He gave it new gifts of gentleness, kindness, and love then placed it back where it was from. The tree realized this is where it belonged, and it was happy learning how to use its new gifts to help all that lived there.

The living things in the land watched this tree closely and its relationship with God.


As the tree lived and was content with all God had provided, a terrible fire came suddenly from somewhere and began burning up everything there was nearby. The tree was brave and strong as it did all it could to protect those he was given. Most were saved, but not all could be for the fire was fierce and lasted a long time. In fact, all might have been destroyed had not God himself pushed the fire back.

The tree itself was not destroyed, but the fire left its mark. Having lived many years, the tree understood that not everything good would last forever in this place. So the tree stood and did its best to focus on the gifts God gave him. Those watching nearby noticed how patient, good, and gentle he had become even when he had suffered so much because of the fire.

While the fire burned the tree severely and took many seasons to heal, its roots had been firmly established. Through the years, God continued to speak life into it as its time had not yet come.

Miraculously, the tree was restored and became stronger because of the flood and the fire.


One Winter, the storm of all storms came. While the tree had endured many over its long life, this one would be profoundly different. At first, it seemed like all the rest. The tree stood as it knew it should, but this storm did not pass. It rested upon him.

The tree stood strong, confident that it could withstand the storm as it had all the others, but in just a short time it began to hurt everywhere. Its branches began breaking. One after one, they fell to the ground. Those nearby watched but could not help. Some even cried because they felt helpless and knew the end was near.

What they didn’t realize is the tree’s roots were strong. They did not break. They could not be broken; the tree would not be moved. The tree stood its ground because that is what it was created to do. And stand it did until it was called.

Hearing the call from God

At the end of Winter but before Spring, God spoke again to the tree. This time a different message He brought. His voice was but a whisper. The gentle voice said only one word.


But the broken tree now reminded God that it was its purpose to stand and now it didn’t want to go because it was very fond of the place where he lived and of those he was given to protect and shelter; especially the kind, gentle tree God had placed next to him many years ago.

God had compassion on the tree, so he permitted the tree to stay just a little longer to say goodbye. It would be during this time that God prepared a wonderful gift for the tree He loved in a new place that would soon become his home. While the time would be short for the tree here, God knew it would be enough.

A new garden

The tree that once stood not far from here was planted by God and God still loves this tree. Any tree God plants cannot be removed until He does it. God loves all He makes, and each has its place, time, and space to do what it was created to do.

Now, in the Spring, not long ago and a little higher than here, God reached down and healed, then carefully and lovingly re-planted this tree deep in His garden for all to enjoy.

All who came before, and who are, and who would follow, could know about this tree God had made; how special it was to so many. That those who hear this tale could know that they were the tree’s purpose.

Now we know.

The gift that God had prepared for His beloved tree was before him. Today, he lives next to two familiar sturdy trees, which God placed him next to when he was but a sapling. There were others he had known before living here too and he felt comforted.

Today, the tree is not alone. He is not sad. He is no longer broken. He was and always would be loved by those where he used to live and now by those in this better place.

And even at this moment, God speaks every day comforting its precious tree with the familiar word it once heard in the beginning. The word that gave him the strength to endure the flood, the fire, and the many storms. In this new place that is not new, God spoke the word that the tree knew best and understood well.

He says only one word.


And stand firmly it does.

Last thoughts

This short story is intended to trigger thoughts and feelings about people important to you; those that have left a meaningful impact on your life. We do well to hold dear warm feelings towards those who have gone ahead of us. If you find the story helpful to you in any way please drop me a note at and tell me about it.

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