Shepherd Leadership Blog
Being a Leader Means Always Planting
Leaders plant a variety of crops that mature in various conditions and duration. Leaders that fail to do this don't have organizations very long.
The 4 Most Powerful Leadership Words
Learn how to LEAD. Through loving, encouraging, achieving, and developing others we become the leader others are looking to follow.
Putting Trust to the Test
Calling teams into something new is not easy, but critical in their development. When we do our job correctly our teams can work through their fear.
Leaders Activate Value
Creating teams that achieve the remarkable takes a special leader. These leaders look for qualities in people that others overlook.
Tears That Bring Change
Could it be that each tear of compassion we shed, contains seeds that could change someone's tomorrow for the better?
Leaders Can Make Failure Nonfatal
If we want to become an exemplary leader, we have special responsibilities to our teams that are experiencing failure.
Is it Time to Take Off the Training Wheels?
While new leaders and teams need the opportunity to fail we need to encourage them to bring us along so we can help steady them as they are learning or even help prevent a disaster.
What Does Your Tag Tell Us About How You Lead?
Leaders we want to follow are easy to spot because they have their tag showing. We clearly know where they are going, what they are good at, and what they value.
What Is At Your Center?
When you know your center we begin the journey to become a leader others want to follow.
How Can We Increase Our Resilience?
The power of resilience resides in the heart of each of us and is the the inner strength that can overcome challenging obstacles that life presents.
Connecting Through Kindness
As leaders that look to earn followership, we should find ways to show kindness to people going through tough periods.
Leaders Protect Their Teams From Burning
Leaders must pay close attention to their teams so we don't over-expose them to more they can bare or we risk damaging them for future assignments.