Shepherd Leadership Blog
Let My People Go
Sustaining freedom requires our commitment to act responsibly and in the best interests of our team and our community.
Leaders Know the Value of Pruning
Pruning is important in the natural cycle of growth experienced by healthy organizations. Leaders that neglect pruning eventually find themselves leading unbalanced, inefficient, and ineffective institutions ill equipped to meet the changing needs of their clients.
Gratefulness Increases Leadership Capacity
Living from an attitude of thanksgiving allows us to be grateful for the kind and helpful acts people show us and is fundamental in leadership development.
3 Expectations of the Best Leaders When Crisis Strikes
Character based leadership prospers in any environment. It thrives when trouble comes. Trouble helps us discover the heart of those leading.
Taking Your Leadership Temperature
Character is the distinguishing attribute of an exemplary leader because within those who live with integrity are the seeds of trust which contain the foundation of leadership.
Leaders Know Their Team's Season
Exemplary leaders frame their role in terms of their responsibilities to others and understand that their teams go through seasons that affect performance.
Do You Want Leadership You Can Believe In?
Leadership doesn’t happen in a day, it happens daily so it isn’t a check box on a development plan. It must be earned in the eyes of others at every level through building trust over time.
Leaders Bring Dreams To Life
What is your dream? I feel energized when I see in others what they do not see in themselves and encourage them to use their gift. Maybe you just need the right vision, determination, and help to make your dream grow.
Can Leaders Go Too Fast?
The team understands the mission and they have a plan. Today, however, their moderate speed may seem slow to us, but it might be right speed for their development.
Adding Value is Leadership
Adding lasting value to our organization means helping others do what they do best every day.
Leaders Help Lost Team Members
Helping a lost team member return where they belong is the responsibility of the entire team, but especially the leader.
4 Ways to Make Your Leadership Story Worth Reading
Many claim to have a calling to serve. I've met them and I believe them. My perspective on serving is a bit different. I believe that everyone has a gift and called to give it. We need more people willing to give their gift.